Fruit & Veg Order

Fruit & Veg order Completed by(Required)
Do NOT count opened bags or half cut cabbages etc (eg if only 1 bag of salad and it is opened then select “we have none”).
£3.20 per bag
£7.99 tray
£1.99 pack
80p each
80p each
80p each
£6.99 tray . Note we use FLAT mushrooms for breakfast now
£7.99 tray. Note we use FLAT mushrooms for breakfast now
£1.49 bag
£1.49 bag
£1.49 bag
£1.49 bag
£1.49 bag
£1.49 bag
£6.99 5kg sack
99p small bag
We now use a tub of ready peeled garlic
£23.94 box. We now use these rather than peel our own. They are ready peeled and covered in oil. just add seasoning!
Ensure counter is restocked with 3 bottles first. Should always have min 4 spare in walk-in.
£11.99 LARGE GREEN box (Chefs larder 60 x medium free range) or £16.59 Euro Shopper SMALL RED boxes of 15 CHOOSE OPTION THAT MAKE MOST SENSE
If only small punnets count 2 small punnets as a large one. £3.50 large punnet
50p each
KIWI packs of 6. Count FULL packs only.
Select if Cooking apples and fruit are required
Things we have NONE left
things completely out of and cannot fulfill any checks requiring them.
Things we VERY low on
only enough for 1-2 servings.


Total number of people- not number of bookings
Total number of people- not number of bookings
Eg GF afternoon tea?


Who has done & checked the following:
Mains switches OFF
Aircon OFF upstairs & downstairs
Merrychefs CLEAN & left OPEN
Microwaves CLEAN & left OPEN
Who CHECKED the above?(Required)
This is who management will approach if there’s an issue!
Who logged the FRIDGE TEMPS(Required)
Who CHECKED DATES?(Required)
Nothing should be out of date in ANY fridge, fridge drawer, walk-in fridge etc. UNCOVERED/UNLABELLED/UNDATED items must be dealt with.
Restocking means take everything upstairs that can be taken so opening staff can focus on making new items.


This section covers taking things out to defrost, planning fillings, things to make, prep board.
Who has done this section (PREP STOCK)?(Required)
What items have been taken out to DEFROST
Consider how busy over the next 2 days.
tick fillings we are running low on
Other things TO BE MADE (Fridge check)
This is for person on NEXT SHIFT to know what needs doing. Consider how busy the next day is.
Things TO BE MADE (Freezer)
This is for person on NEXT SHIFT to know what needs doing. Consider how busy the next day is.
Products to be Cooked Off
This is for person on NEXT SHIFT to know what needs doing. Consider how busy the next day is.
Have you updated the prep board?(Required)

How did today go?

The purpose of this is to be like a review of today so everyone in the team can see where we can improve.
Let’s keep track of any stock issues. Did anything have to be made in a hurry? eg: “Fillings, pies, carrots. Had no york puds”
eg: Oven broke, food took long time to get out, loads of allergies today
Anything that would have helped: eg more stock upstairs, less cooking needed, coming in earlier, prepped more in the day/s before, knowing we were short on carrots
Today was…(Required)
Select “tough” if you had problems. “Busy” if just busy and “Easy” if it was quiet.
Use this to help prevent wasted time by staff coming in and nothing to be done, or increased stress by having too much to do before opening.
If advising to come in earlier or later ensure you advise by how much time, why and what needs to be done.